If you dont have the original you are not allowed to use D2SE and have to delete it immediately! You MUST own a valid license of Diablo II and LOD.I (Seltsamuel) grant permission to use, linkto and redistribute the ORIGINAL and UNMODIFIED Installer and its complete documentation inside this board without further notification according to the following TERMS: The Modmanager interface graphics are copyright by SamusAran. I do not claim any copyrights for them because its property of Blizzard Entertainment. The Modsystem is for Diablo II and its expansion Lord of Destruction Copyright by Blizzard Entertainment.ĭ2SE Modmanager contains only UNMODIFIED dlls and patchfiles from LOD that are freely downloadable at many places with permission of Blizzard. D2SE Modmanager is a part of the D2SE Modsystem copyright 2008 by Seltsamuel.